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The Erasmus Programme, acronym of European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University students, it is a combined programme of the European Union whose aim is to give support to University, to students and to the academic Staff in order to intensify mobility and cooperation in the European Union's Education.
Its aim is peculiarly focused to publish the Univerisity activities that the Accademia di Belle Arti of Reggio Calabria realizes in connection to the European International Mobility Programme "Lifelong Learning Programme" from 2014 to 2020.
The Lifelong Learning Programme is a collective educational programme based on art. 149 and 150 of the European Union Agreement. On the base of art. N° 149, the European Community contributes to the developpement of a quality education by some initiatives realized in collaboration with all the States members. The Action of the Lifelong Learning Programme for the superior education, called Erasmus, has the aim of enforce the quality and the dimension of the superior education, stimulating the transnational cooperation between the Universities.
The programme is supported by the European Community and intends to support students' and teachers' mobility through the same European Institutions in order to cut down the intereuropean cultural barriers and to improve the knowledge of languages used in Ithe Union. To the students who are registered in a University of a State member, the LLP/ERASMUS programme give the possibility to spend a study-period in member State and the full acknowledgement of this period as a part of the global study course.
The programme wants to promote the equality between women and men, equal opportunities for disabled people and allows students and teachers to participate to European exchanges.
The European Commission financially substains and directs all the activities. The realization of educational exchanges between institutes from different countries presumes the preliminary approval of a candidacy from the European Commission and the conclusion of agreements between the interested institutes.
These agreements can be realized with contries from the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Danimark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Holland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Czech Republic, Estonia, Ciprus, Lettonia, Lituania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania)Between SEE countries (Island, Liechtestein, Norway) and candidate countries.
The Erasmus programme allows the exchange of students's and teachers' information and experiences of those countries, but Institutes must priorly organize basic teaching at ECTS.
The ECTS (acronym of European System for credits transfer), allows the global valuation of the work done by the student. In this way the Erasmus student has his own work abroad recognized and valueted.
Students and teachers of the Academy can compete to mobility towards Institutes and countries listed on the Institute's bulletin board, and on the web page of the Academy.

Admission and assignement of the scholarship must respect these conditions:
-The period of study abroad must be included between three and twelve months, and must be done in another Univeritary Institute of a country member of the European Union.
- the student cannot have received another Erasmus Scholarship.

How to participate to the Erasmus Programme.
On the Institute's bulletin board, and on the web page of the Academy.